Emergency response

Administer a universal system for the planning, response and recovery phases of an emergency using Objective Connect.

The Problem

During the recent outbreaks of COVID-19 and the natural disasters across the world; vulnerable communities were left exposed and in need. Unexpected crises force local authorities to act fast and coordinate a response across a network of stakeholders. With no time to lose, authorities need to act quickly and set up collaboration channels to share critical data across agencies.

The Solution

Objective Connect allows the response team to set up lines of collaboration instantly, enabling authorities to consolidate information and send it securely to critical front-line responders in the field. The response team can easily invite Participants who can access the information required to respond, delivering support to residents in times of crisis.

Storm Desmond had a devastating effect on the infrastructure of Cumbria. Objective Connect was a key resource that allowed Council highways engineers to quickly set up secure file sharing of maps, images and plans with third parties from any location.

Kevin Maxwell

ICT Service Support Manager, Cumbria County Council